Current Cars
Sold Cars (2019-2023)
Sold Cars (2015-2018)
Sold Cars (2013-2014)
Sold cars (2006-2012)
Sold Cars (2015-2018)
Cars I used to have. Click a picture to see about the car.
1970 Dodge Challenger
1987 AM General M998 HMMWV
1963 Cadillac Series 62
1968 International Harvester Travelette
1972 International Harvester 1310
1960 Cadillac parts car
1968 Cadillac Coupe Deville
1960 Cadillac S&S Victoria hearse
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood
1960 Cadillac Series 62
1960 Rambler American
1966 International Harvester 1200C
1960 Cadillac Series 62
1970 Chrysler New Yorker
1970 Cadillac Eldorado